Sunday, May 24, 2020
The Danger of Using Literature and Fiction as a Historical...
Literature and fiction can be dangerous to use alone as a historical source. However, in looking at it with an analytical and open mind and incorporating it with textbooks, readers can gain tremendous knowledge from literature. Looking at the portrayal of a topic by an author is important. All authors write with specific audiences in mind, and with an intention or point. Understanding the point that authors strive to convey can reveal a great deal about opinions and perspectives of the time period. Literature is absolutely essential to world history. The insights in fiction go far beyond that of textbook learning. Gender roles, the role of the court, and romances are effectively portrayed in fiction, and convey insights that are different from those in a textbook. The role of males in Aristocratic Japan and Italy was far superior to women. Both Heian Japan and Renaissance Italy accepted a sexual double standard. For example, extra marital affairs were normal for men. They were even openly discussed. In Italy, though men could only have one wife at a time, there were high death rates, so many people married more than once in their lives. Wealthy Japanese men most commonly had concubines. Although Christianity in Italy had prohibited concubines, wealthy men did have mistresses, who did not have any legal standing. Heian Japan believed that the first wife was most important, but polygamy was still popular and accepted. Unlike the exploitive lives of wealthy Japanese andShow MoreRelated King Arthur Essay1157 Words  | 5 Pagesidentify the historical Arthur have been unsuccessful, since he is largely a product of fiction. Most historians, though, agree that the real Arthur was probably a battle leader of the Britons against the Anglo-Saxons i n the sixthth century. In literature, King Arthurs character is unique and ever changing, taking on a different face in every work. There is never a clearly definitive picture that identifies Arthurs character. 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