How to write admission essay
History Paper 1 Topics Ib
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Manual for Recrystallization Essay Example For Students
Manual for Recrystallization Essay Part 1 Equipment included and preparationChapter 2 Setup technique before purificationChapter 3 Gathering of an obscure compound and the initial step: filtrationCollection and estimating of unrefined sampleChapter 5 Evaluation strategies for purityChapter 6 Frequently posed Inquiries and inconvenience shootingTo start, the expectation of this booklet is to offer instructional guidance. The guidelines given will give a premise to permit a person to play out the vital assignment to experience the purging procedure. The structure of the manual is to train understudies in a school research center setting. Specifically, the region of science that the manual will concentrate on is Organic Chemistry. Understudies will have the option to allude to this guidance direct all through the semester since this procedure will be placed being used regularly. The purging procedure if a basic piece of science, and the understudy must perceive its significance. Without a decontaminated item, a considera ble lot of the medications available would not be on special. Despite the fact that these refinement systems are taking things down a notch, it will give a beginning stage to the individuals who are simply starting Organic Chemistry. The aptitudes expected to decontaminate an item will accompany practice and help from the educator, however this manual will give the underlying headings to help the understudy on cleansing. When aced, more procedures will assist the understudy with gaining an item that is sufficiently unadulterated to put available. The Equipment in question and preparationThe initial phase in seeing any research center procedure is understanding the hardware required. Additionally, there is a requirement for the best possible planning of the apparatuses required before any of the means can start. The primary bits of china expected to direct the filtration and recrystallization will be at any rate two 250ml flagons, a 100ml cup, and at any rate three 50 ml jars. What's more, a glass mixing bar and an instance of micropipettes would be helpful. For the filtration method, a pipe with an elastic plug, a trapper cup, and a little bit of channel paper is critical to have. There is additionally a requirement for vacuum hoses in the filtration procedure also. The understudy will likewise require a hotplate. The lab will give all the essential funnels expected to arrangement a vacuum and furthermore the air current required later on in the assortment stage. Every lab will have various sorts of hardware, and it is the understudies duty to comprehend and figure out how to function each apparatus. For any test to have the correct outcomes, cleaning and disinfection is basic piece of arrangement. The most ideal approach to have the china cleaned is to steam clean the numerous pieces in an autoclave or a dishwasher. This might be done progress of time by the educator or the understudies. It is likewise acceptable practice to clean the gear by hand, considerably after it has come out of a machine more clean. The channel and the channel paper should likewise be liberated from any contaminations with the goal that it won't reflect in the outcome. Since the filtration procedure is so significant, there must be an elevated requirement of neatness for all the instruments that the understudy will utilize. *It is critical that the understudy ensure all the pieces are dry too or the heaviness of abundance water will appear in the outcomes. In this manner overstating the last calculations*Above all else, it is critical to take all the correct techniques to be sheltered in the research center. All Students must wear wellbeing goggles at record-breaking in the lab. It would likewise be a smart thought to wear jeans and shoes if there should be an occurrence of spillage. Likewise , the understudy may likewise think about wearing gloves, however the teacher will inform the understudy if the synthetic concoctions require an understudy to wear gloves. It is additionally significant that all security related issues be accounted for to the educator right away. .u9ea5509e494c85a564f5a8859f493ad3 , .u9ea5509e494c85a564f5a8859f493ad3 .postImageUrl , .u9ea5509e494c85a564f5a8859f493ad3 .focused content zone { min-tallness: 80px; position: relative; } .u9ea5509e494c85a564f5a8859f493ad3 , .u9ea5509e494c85a564f5a8859f493ad3:hover , .u9ea5509e494c85a564f5a8859f493ad3:visited , .u9ea5509e494c85a564f5a8859f493ad3:active { border:0!important; } .u9ea5509e494c85a564f5a8859f493ad3 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u9ea5509e494c85a564f5a8859f493ad3 { show: square; progress: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-change: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; mistiness: 1; change: murkiness 250ms; webkit-progress: darkness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u9ea5509e494c85a564f5a8859f493ad3:active , .u9ea5509e494c85a564f5a8859f493ad3:hover { haziness: 1; change: obscurity 250ms; webkit-progress: darkness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u9ea5509e494c85a564f5a8859f493ad3 .focused content territory { width: 100%; position: relati ve; } .u9ea5509e494c85a564f5a8859f493ad3 .ctaText { outskirt base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: striking; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; text-design: underline; } .u9ea5509e494c85a564f5a8859f493ad3 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u9ea5509e494c85a564f5a8859f493ad3 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; fringe: none; fringe range: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; text style weight: intense; line-stature: 26px; moz-outskirt span: 3px; text-adjust: focus; text-embellishment: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-stature: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: outright; right: 0; top: 0; } .u9ea5509e494c85a564f5a8859f493ad3:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u9ea5509e494c85a564f5a8859f4 93ad3 .focused content { show: table; stature: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u9ea5509e494c85a564f5a8859f493ad3-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u9ea5509e494c85a564f5a8859f493ad3:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: The Giver EssayWARNING: DO NOT TRY TO CLEAN UP CHEMICALS WITHOUT NOTIFYING THE INSTRUCTORThe arrangement for the procedure is basic, however picking the correct dissolvable to carry out the responsibility is basic. The arrangement of the crystal for the filtration technique is as per the following. Initial one hose must be immovably on the vacuum pipe on the water feature in the lab. The opposite finish of the hose will go to
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Human Respiration Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Human Respiration - Lab Report Example Ordinary qualities go from 12 to 20 breaths for every moment. The Inspiratory Reserve Volume (IRV) is the amount of air that is taken into the lungs during a maximal constrained motivation that starts toward the finish of an ordinary motivation. The follow for indispensable limit shows an IRV perusing of 2300cc. The ordinary incentive for IRV is 2500cc. The Expiratory Reserve Volume (ERV) is the amount of air that is ousted from the lungs during a maximal constrained lapse that starts toward the finish of a typical termination. The follow for indispensable limit shows a perusing of 900cc for ERV. The typical estimation of ERV is 1500cc. The Vital Capacity (VC) is the all out volume of air that is ousted from the lungs during a constrained maximal exhalation that happens after a constrained maximal inward breath. The follow for crucial limit shows a direct VC perusing of 4100cc. The typical incentive for VC is 4800cc. The profundity of breathing toward the beginning of the analysis is appeared in the follow for CO2 aggregation section A. The TV perusing is 1000cc. The profundity of breathing toward the finish of the test is appeared in the follow for CO2 amassing part B. The TV perusing is 1500cc. The recurrence of breathing toward the start of the trial is appeared in the follow for CO2 gathering section A. The recurrence toward the start is 10 breaths for each moment. The recurrence of breathing toward the finish of the trial is demonstrated is the follow for CO2 gathering part B. ... The profundity of breathing toward the beginning of the investigation is appeared in the follow for CO2 collection section A. The TV perusing is 1000cc. The profundity of breathing toward the finish of the test is appeared in the follow for CO2 aggregation part B. The TV perusing is 1500cc. Recurrence of Breathing toward the Start and End of the Experiment The recurrence of breathing toward the start of the analysis is appeared in the follow for CO2 gathering section A. The recurrence toward the start is 10 breaths for each moment. The recurrence of breathing toward the finish of the analysis is indicated is the follow for CO2 amassing part B. The recurrence toward the finish of the examination is 17 breaths for every moment. Impressions of Subject toward the End of the Experiment Subject reports a slight sentiment of shortness of breath toward the finish of the examination and reports the vibe of shallowness of typical relaxing. Impact OF REBREATHING WITH CARBON DIOXIDE ABSORPTION The two follows that show the impacts of rebreathing with carbon dioxide assimilation are appeared in the graphs named CO2 Absorption Part An and CO2 Absorption Part B. Profundity of Breathing toward the Start and End of the Experiment The profundity of breathing toward the beginning of the analysis is appeared in the follow for CO2 retention section A. The TV perusing is 1000cc. The profundity of breathing toward the finish of the test is appeared in the follow for CO2 retention part B. The TV perusing ranges from 1200cc to 1500cc. Recurrence of Breathing toward the Start and End of the Experiment The recurrence of breathing toward the start of the examination is appeared in the follow for CO2 assimilation section A. The recurrence toward the start is 12 breaths for every moment. The recurrence of breathing toward the finish of the analysis is indicated is the follow for CO2 retention part B. The recurrence at the
Monday, August 17, 2020
My How Times Change
My How Times Change… In June Ill be celebrating, along with my MIT classmates, a pretty major reunion and Ive been spending much of the time recently, when I havent been reading your folders, working on plans for the big event. At one point during that weekend Ill be talking with my old friends about how admissions is different today from when we received admit letters quite a few years ago. Seeing the MITLeaks announcement on Monday reminded me even more about how things have changed over the years. That said, as much as things have changed, the worries are still much the same. Before the magic of the internet we actually got a real letter announcing our fate, in fact, everyone got a letter and you pretty much knew if you were admitted or not by the size of the envelopethe bigger the envelope, the better the news. My envelope from MIT was very big and contained a red t-shirt. I was very excited and wore the shirt the very next day to school. Even in those days MIT announced their decisions earlier than many other schools but we didnt have the luxury of knowing what day we would actually find out. Im told that all the letters were mailed at the same time, so kids in Massachusetts knew several days earlier than I did that they had been admitted. I had to wait until my envelope got all the way to California. Every day for weeks I was the one who checked the mail at my house, not because of a fondness for the mailman, but because I was waiting to hear from the various schools. I applied to only three schools and in fact when I originally told my guidance counselor I had five on my list, he nearly faintedthat meant he would need to make five copies of any letter he wrote and that was two, too many as far as he was concerned. I ultimately did trim it down to three, completed my applications and then the waiting began. Im sure I drove my family nuts, would I get in or not, if I did which would I pick, and if I didnt what would I do with myself the following yearIm sure there were moments that they could hardly stand being in the same room with me that spring, let alone the same house. In the end, it all worked out. I got into my safety schoola UC campus which shall remain nameless but didnt get into another school (it shall remain un-named as well for these purposes). Thatgulprejection (yes, it was a very difficult word to say even then) was actually probably a good thing because I think that particular school was probably my parents first choice. It was much closer to home than MIT and I was the first child in my family going off to college. I was nervous, I was afraid I would make the wrong choice, and I was mad that I didnt get into that third schoolmaybe MIT wasnt the best place for me to be, I kept thinking to myself. But, in the long run, what turned out to be disappointing, scary, and exciting, all at the same time, turned out tremendously well and I jumped into life at MIT with both feet. I had a great experience here, but Im also convinced that I could have a great experience at any of three colleges to which I applied. Sowhy have I decided to tell you about this nowIm sure youve figured it out. Decisions come out next week and youve all applied to lots of great schools, in fact some of you have applied to four times as many schools as I did. Yes, the times have changedmore kids than ever before have applied to more schools than ever before and that means that more rejections than ever before will be received by applicants in the next few weeks as all the schools release their decisions. Its not fair, its not fun for the applicants, or for admissions officers, but it sadly is the way things areand there really isnt anything that Admissions Offices can do about it. Youve poured your hearts, souls and dreams into your applications and Im thrilled to have had the chance to get know you through what you have shared. Youve shared with us exactly why MIT would be the perfect place for you, but I know youve also done that for all the schools on your list, or you wouldnt have applied to them. And in truth, you could have a great experience at any of those schools, just like I could have had a great experience at any of the three I applied to. Your challenge in the weeks ahead is to ultimately select a school from the list of places where you are admitted. Once you hear from all your choices you need to get on with the process of deciding among the schools that have admitted you. Thats where your choices truly are, and you need to concentrate on figuring out which one will be the best one for you and not continue to be frustrated about those that didnt admit you. Sadly, we are going to turn down many times more applicants than we will admit. We already know that were going to turn down lots of you and its going to be difficult for us, and even harder for you. Every year my colleagues and I say goodbye to applicants that we would love to have admitted to MIT. But spaces are few, and lots of truly amazing and very qualified students will not be joining us on our campus in the fall. Some other school will however be fortunate enough to have them. If we admit you, Im going to be so thrilled to welcome you to campus in September. I know youll have a great experience here and you can be assured that we believe you belong here. But for the restits not that we didnt want you, its not that you did something wrongwe just couldnt admit everyone we wanted. It really is that simple...its not fair, but it is what it is. Sono matter what happens, be happy about where you are admitted, embrace your final choice and know that we wish you all the very best. After getting to know each of you so well in these last few months we know you will have an amazing college experience!
Sunday, May 24, 2020
The Danger of Using Literature and Fiction as a Historical...
Literature and fiction can be dangerous to use alone as a historical source. However, in looking at it with an analytical and open mind and incorporating it with textbooks, readers can gain tremendous knowledge from literature. Looking at the portrayal of a topic by an author is important. All authors write with specific audiences in mind, and with an intention or point. Understanding the point that authors strive to convey can reveal a great deal about opinions and perspectives of the time period. Literature is absolutely essential to world history. The insights in fiction go far beyond that of textbook learning. Gender roles, the role of the court, and romances are effectively portrayed in fiction, and convey insights that are different from those in a textbook. The role of males in Aristocratic Japan and Italy was far superior to women. Both Heian Japan and Renaissance Italy accepted a sexual double standard. For example, extra marital affairs were normal for men. They were even openly discussed. In Italy, though men could only have one wife at a time, there were high death rates, so many people married more than once in their lives. Wealthy Japanese men most commonly had concubines. Although Christianity in Italy had prohibited concubines, wealthy men did have mistresses, who did not have any legal standing. Heian Japan believed that the first wife was most important, but polygamy was still popular and accepted. Unlike the exploitive lives of wealthy Japanese andShow MoreRelated King Arthur Essay1157 Words  | 5 Pagesidentify the historical Arthur have been unsuccessful, since he is largely a product of fiction. Most historians, though, agree that the real Arthur was probably a battle leader of the Britons against the Anglo-Saxons i n the sixthth century. In literature, King Arthurs character is unique and ever changing, taking on a different face in every work. There is never a clearly definitive picture that identifies Arthurs character. It is therefore necessary to look at a few different sources to get betterRead MoreFeatures of Metafiction and Well Known Writers of the Genre Essay3025 Words  | 13 Pagesworld? The ontology of â€Å"any fiction is justified/validated/vindicated in the context of various theories of representation in the field of literary art and practice. Among these theories the seminal and the most influential is the mimetic theory. The theory of mimesis (imitation) posits that there is a world out there, a world in which we all live and act, which we call â€Å"the real world†. What fiction does (for that matter any art) is to try and (re) present this world using narrative techniques (orRead MoreVictorian Novel9605 Words  | 39 Pagesshape and development. It was the novel that was the leading form of literature in the 19th century England. The term ‘novel’ itself was a simple narrative form, which in opposition to its forerunner, the ‘romance’ focused on the affairs of everyday life such as scientific discovery, religious debate, politics or colonial settlement. Though there are many arguments among critics which dates frame the period of Victorian literature, it is commonly accepted that it was the reign of Queen Victoria (1837-1901)Read MoreEssay about Ray Bradburys Fahrenheit 4512103 Words  | 9 PagesBradbury conjures up in Fahrenheit 451 using science fictional elements to convey the importance of remembering, freedom of speech, and less reliance on machinery. Science fiction was the best medium to help Bradbury express his ideas because it provides the proper balance of fiction and non-fiction which other genres cannot. Although science fiction is classified strictly as fiction, it has elements of both non-fiction and fiction. The genre of fiction encompasses mystery, horror, actionRead MoreThe Sonnet Form: William Shakespeare6305 Words  | 26 Pages the speaker characterizes the disease; in the second, he describes the relationship of his love-disease to its â€Å"physician,†his reason; in the third, he describes the consequences of his abandonment of reason; and in the couplet, he explains the source of his mad, diseased loveâ€â€his lover’s betrayal of his faith: My love is as a fever, longing still For that which longer nurseth the disease, Feeding on that which doth preserve the ill, The uncertain sickly appetite to please. My reason, theRead MoreANALIZ TEXT INTERPRETATION AND ANALYSIS28843 Words  | 116 PagesPlot When we refer to the plot of a work of fiction, then, we are referring to the deliberately arranged sequence of interrelated events that constitute the basic narrative structure of a novel or a short story. Events of any kind, of course, inevitably involve people, and for this reason it is virtually impossible to discuss plot in isolation from character. Character and plot are, in fact, intimately and reciprocally related, especially in modern fiction. A major function of plot can be said to beRead MoreThe Use of Literature in Teaching English as a Foreign Language6056 Words  | 25 PagesThe Use of Literature in Teaching English as a Foreign Language By: Amr Alhemiary Abstract This research aims at emphasizing the use of literature as a popular technique for teaching both basic language skills (i.e. reading, writing, speaking and listening)and language areas(i.e. vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation) in our times. Reasons for using literary text in a foreign language classroom, suitable situations for teaching literature and main criteria for selecting suitable literary textsRead MoreDeparture, Initiation, and Return Essay4222 Words  | 17 PagesBerlin without the message being intercepted before he is captured. Yu Tsun, although a flawed hero, is the storys hero nonetheless, and the story outlines his attempt to fulfill his mission. Borges short story follows a mythological structure using Joseph Campbells three main stages of the heros journey: departure, initiation, and return. Along the way, Yu Tsun, quite by accident, discovers a tale of multiple paths, labyrinths both physical and metaphorical. He learns of the concept of howRead MoreMedieval Poetry3509 Words  | 15 PagesMedieval literature is a very diverse subject. The term covers the literature of Europe during the period between the fall of the Roman Empire and the beginnings of the Renaissance in the 15th century, spanning a period of roughly 1,000 years. As a result, it is difficult to make generalizations about medieval literature. It is, nonetheless, possible to identify a few general trends. Allegory and symbolism are common in medieval literature, perhaps more so than in modern writing. Religious and philosophicalRead More Relationships in a World without God Essay2213 Words  | 9 Pagesscientific method was that of phenomenological reduction. Although Sà ¸ren Kierkegaard accepted the paradox of being defining itself, as a scientist, Heidegger could not accept this paradox. According to Heidegger, a concept must be defined without using itself as reference. The difficulty of definition was confronted by defining Being as a collection of concepts. In his essay â€Å"The Fundamental Question of Metaphysics†the central question he asks is â€Å"Why is there anything at all, rather than nothing
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Taking a Look at Evolutionary Psychology - 1094 Words
Evolutionary Psychology is a practice of social and natural sciences that studies human characteristics through the lens of modern evolutionary theory. This is exactly what Dunbar and his colleges attempt to do with â€Å"the family†in their book. The discussion of the family has to start with defining what parent involvement actually is. The authors of the book Evolutionary Psychology use Robert Trivers’ definition from 1972 that states, â€Å"any investment by the parent in an individual offspring that increases the offspring’s chance of surviving at the cost of parent’s ability to invest in other offspring†. This means that if a parent of a individual uses any of their resources to help improve their child’s chance of survival, meaning†¦show more content†¦The second circumstance for infanticide is if the child is born with severe disabilities or deformities for the simple reason of is the child worth the investment. Is involved in a child’s life who is going to require more of an investment that an average child, and still highly unlikely to reproduce worth it? Twins are a similar circumstance. Parents have the dilemma of possibly of not having adequate resources for both children at the same time. So infanticide could be logical in this situation so the parents could invest heavily into one of the twins to help ensure the best opportunity for the child throughout life as opposed to dividing the resources in half. This leads into the last circumstance, which is just not having the adequate amount of resources to raise even a single child. This practice is exemplified to the rate of aborted children or children sent to orphanages in young single women, or old married women who have had several children prior. Also discussed is how unique the human family is. Human fathers are involved in their children’s lives more than any other species and humans are the only species where grandparents exist . The explanation for these occurrences are that the human infant is so dependant that it needs the support of more than just a mother, and even just the mother and father in some cases. The occurrence of grandparents can also be explained by the phenomenon of menopause. The humanShow MoreRelatedThe Conflict Between Evolutionary Psychology And Scientific Scripture Scholarship912 Words  | 4 PagesIn this chapter, the author highlights some of the superficial conflicts between evolutionary psychology and scientific scripture scholarship (or historical biblical criticism). As the author notes, â€Å"...evolutionary psychology is an attempt to explain important human traits and behaviors in terms of the evolutionary origin of the human species (131).†It attempts to contextualize all the things we humans think, feel, and create in the contexts of Darwinian evolution, and natural selection. ButRead MoreEvolutionary Psychology : The Brain, Immune System, And Genetics894 Wor ds  | 4 Pagesnervous system of the body.’ (Sammons, no date), so they look at the way the human brain works when it is dealing with thoughts, feelings and how it reacts to behaviours. They study the ‘the brain, immune system, nervous system, and genetics’ (Cherry, 2015) they do this to get the best results about how the brains reacts when put within these situations. Evolutionary Psychology is of humans when they experience a changing environment and look for differences within their behaviours, their cognitionRead MoreInnate Theory : Innate Factors1258 Words  | 6 Pagesthe essay I will look at key branches of psychology which contribute to our behaviour. I will also compare and contrast both heritable and environmental factors, this comparison will enable me to uncover the level of importance within heritability. We are led to believe that one gene can contribute to a behavioural trait, most people are unaware of the extensive biological engineering of our genes ‘humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes and roughly 25,000 protein-coding genes’ taking this into accountRead MoreSocial Psychology Theories About The Development Of Prosocial Behavior And Altruism1520 Words  | 7 Pages2015). So, taking direct action can influence prosocial behavior in others by indirectly convincing them that they too should get involved because someone else is helping. What are the primary social psychology theories about the development of these two phenomena? According the University of Alabama, there are four main social psychology theories about the development of prosocial behavior and altruism. These are social exchange, empathy-altruism, social norms, and evolutionary psychology. The SocialRead MorePsychological Perspectives On Mental Health Disorders1728 Words  | 7 Pageshealth. Psychological perspectives are the different ways in which psychologists look at individual’s behaviours, thoughts and feelings. Although some of the psychological perspectives are very different while others are similar and seem to overlap, it is important to note that there isn’t simply one correct perspective and that each of the perspectives has their strengths and weaknesses. In this essay I am going to look into the different psychological perspectives and how they offer us an understandingRead MoreHuman Behavior And Human Development Essay1530 Words  | 7 Pagespredetermined views of genetic influence in the past, and that environmental influence has an extensive impact on human behavior. Throughout human history, there have been many shared processes and factors related to development. Evolutionary psychology is a branch of psychology that has developed based on the idea that humans have shared behavioral traits. Demonstrations of these shared human traits can be seen in fixed patterns. These fixed patterns, such as yawning and attachment, are unlearned behaviorsRead MoreEvolutionary psychology is a field of study that has revolutionised how we understand human2300 Words  | 10 PagesEvolutionary psychology is a field of study that has revolutionised how we understand human psychological systems and how they interact with social, cultural, and ecological factors to produce manifest behaviour. The main assumption of evolutionary psychology is that most human behaviours today, were once essential for survival and reproduction (Buss Schmitt, 2011). Despite the fact that the world has changed, humans have still retained those behaviours (Cross Campbell, 2011). The refore, to understandRead MoreCognitive Psychology And The Management And Treatment Of Mental Illness1352 Words  | 6 PagesI will explain the theories of two psychologist highlighting their strengths and weaknesses and there similarities and differences. AC1.1, AC3.1 Biological psychology looks at the biological aspects of behaviour. It looks at how the brain s structure, chemistry, activity and genetic make-up etc. relates to behaviour. Cognitive psychology focuses on the way the brain processes information, how people perceive, understand, make decisions about and remember information. Cognitive psychologistsRead MoreThe New Psychology: Early Physiological and Experimental Psychology and Structuralism1433 Words  | 6 PagesThe New Psychology: Early Physiological and Experimental Psychology And Structuralism Psy5102-8 Dr. Kornfeld By: Janelle Jumpp Table of Contents 1. What do you consider to be the proper subject matter of psychology? 2. What methods should psychology use to approach the subjects it studies? 3. What do you expect will be your most lasting contribution to the field of psychology? 4. What do you consider to be an appropriate role for the field of psychologyRead MoreWhat Drives Jealousy? By Sarah Hill And David Buss1040 Words  | 5 PagesWhat Drives Jealousy? Evolution Sarah Hill and David Buss, in The Evolutionary Psychology of Envy , find we are envious due to the competition of resources. Social comparisons determine where we stand, in society, and how to adjust. Envy has been shaped by natural selection to signal competitive disadvantage, it also combines with the desire to possess the same advantage. Unlike common conception, the target of men and women’s envy is not celebrities or millionaires. Most often it is same-sex peers
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Lead Auditors Report on Iso 14001 and Ohsas 18001 Free Essays
Auditees : ____HO s and staff Department : IFC,FEM,HR,KESSB,SSHE,PBB,AH,PH/BS,CARGO ____Date of Audit : _____26TH Nov 2012 – 18th Dec 2012___ Procedure Involved : a) OSH Act 1994 relevant Regulations b) FM Act 1967 relevant Regulations (including BOWEC Reg. 1986) c) OHSAS 18001 Standard d) ISAGO Standards Manual Effective May 2010 2nd Edition e) EMS ISO 14001 StandardAudit Team : 1. En. We will write a custom essay sample on Lead Auditors Report on Iso 14001 and Ohsas 18001 or any similar topic only for you Order Now Meor Badrul Niza bin Ahmad Rafie – Dept :ILS 2. En Amir Syakib Yahya – Dept QAD 3, En. Abdul Razak Sauzi – Dept :QAD 4. En. Zainudin Zaini 5. Cik Nadiah Yahaya| SUMMARY OF AUDITBased on the observation made during this audit, it was noted that KLAS has made a good start-up at launching the OHSAS 18001 and EMS ISO 14001 campaign working towards certification of OHSAS 18001 in 2013 and EMS ISO 14001 in 2014 for example: 1) Workers on site are consistently wearing basic PPE such as Yellow/orange vest and Safety shoes. 2) Almost all workers on site have been SHE inducted. 3) Centralised Scheduled Waste store is provided at GSE workshop 4) Consistently and periodically carrying out SHE training such as ERT; Fire fighting and Chemical spill control. However, below are the key improvements that the KLAS team needs to address: 1) To ensure all and every machineries on site are registered before they are used and monthly inspected with upkeep and maintenance done to ensure they are fit to use . 2) Ensure the quality of the inspection carried out is in detail and not just for the sake of inspection. 3) Ensure Security personnel are trained on the Site SHE requirements and they assist by screening employees and give safety briefing to visitors entering the site . ) To ensure all chemical containers are labeled and each chemical shall have its own MSDS and each site shall have its own Chemical Register. The Chemical Register and MSDSs can be placed at the SHE Notice board for easy reference 5) To ensure the scheduled waste management and communication flow is refined and retuned between process owners and scheduled waste store keepers. 6) Accidents and incidents without forgetting near misses are given due attention and investigated t horoughly to prevent future accidents and incidents. ) Compliance to the legal and other requirement are addressed diligently and carefully to avoid unnecessary penalty or hefty summonses. AREA OF CONCERN 1. Ground handling equipments and machineries are in bad shape and require immediate upkeep and maintenance to prevent from accidents and incidents. 2. Manual work involving cargo manual lifting ,distribution and loading or unloading is rampant thus back support PPE is a must unless an engineering control tool is introduced to reduce manual labour. 3. BOMB threat emergency procedure has not been addressed and need to be included in the existing ERP procedure. NON CONFORMANCERefer to CAR listing. | RECOMMENDATIONAs an Auditor, I strongly believe that KLAS Team can excel better than what and where WE currently are and this can be further enhanced by a better and systematic SHE management. | Signature : †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. Date : †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Signature : †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Date : †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. (Lead Auditor) (Quality Manager)| How to cite Lead Auditors Report on Iso 14001 and Ohsas 18001, Essay examples
Monday, May 4, 2020
Dating Your Best Friend free essay sample
I ask myself sometimes why now and not then, I think this was how it was meant to be the whole time. We met in first grade and became real good friends right from the start. I remember playing a lot together with our friends. We also lived just across the street from each other so imagine, seeing each other at school and after school play even more outside after our homework was done, it was a great way of spending time together. Unfortunately after first grade, we somehow had to go to different schools, but we still got together after school and played together. It wasn’t until after 4th grade that I moved to a new neighborhood and didn’t see him again until 8th grade. We saw each other and recognized one another and again we became inseparable. We had a few classes together and we were always partners whenever we were assigned to grab a partner. We will write a custom essay sample on Dating Your Best Friend or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Also that same school year, all the rumors started; that we liked each other, we were going to end up going out, we were always together and so on. I did think about it but we were just fourteen year olds who had no age and no intention of dating. We were the best of friends in middle school and kept going strong. Our high school years came real quick as we kept on growing up together and watching each other blossom into young adults. We were still the best friends ever, and the same rumors still kept going around. We somehow managed to have classes together which were very good for the both of us because we never wanted to be apart. We still had no intention of going out, because we didn’t want to break that wonderful friendship we had made and kept for so long. It wasn’t until Valentine’s Day of freshman year when I started feeling a little something for him. He sent me a valentine with the following message â€Å"Happy Valentine’s Day! Thanks for being an awesome friend! †I thought at that moment â€Å"Oh, friend†but I let it slide because I felt it was not a big deal. Sophomore year rolled around, we were still the best friends ever, and the rumors and gossip continued. We had classes together again, nothing special happened until the very end of that school year. We were saying goodbye to each other and we hugged, but we hugged each other for a while. I honestly felt that â€Å"spark†between us. I thought he felt the same (he told me later on that he did). We parted ways and kept in touch a bit in the summer, and didn’t see each other again until next year, junior year. That year I couldn’t hide what I felt for him, I was actually becoming more and more in love with him. I can tell he was also falling for me as well. It’s one of those things a girl can tell without being told anything. We were still the best of friends, and the rumors were still going (I was very surprised, yet a bit amused). This year was different because we’re now sixteen/ seventeen and had grown up more. Yes we were inseparable, but those feelings were becoming more noticeable to everyone except to one another. Yet nothing happened and we were still the best of friends. Senior year was a big year for us; it was the last year that we might be together. My feelings for him were now stronger than ever, I wanted to be more that friends, but for some reason he always seemed to avoid me and not talk at all. I don’t know why, I was hoping for him to say something to me, since I had heard from many that he actually did love me. But nothing happened, so I gave up on him in that aspect of us. I had revealed to one of my good friends that I did love Isaac and wanted more. He revealed to that same person that he loved me too. I found out from her and I went to talk to him, he immediately got upset and denied everything. With that being said I also denied everything because I thought to myself that was his chance and he blew it. We got really mad at each other and said â€Å"we are friends and that is it†. We didn’t stay mad for that long; we got back to talking again. I decided to date a guy that year; it was going well until I saw Isaac. He saw us holding hands, I saw his face turn red with anger, and just walked away upset. I knew it upset him but I had no idea why, we had settled on being best friends. We still enjoyed all the senior activities like prom, boat trip, and finally graduation. We both graduated and saw each other for what could be the last time. He was going off to college and I was staying home. After those four years in high school we proved everyone wrong about going out with each other, or at least that’s what we thought. Time passed and I had broken up with my high school boyfriend and I started dating another guy here at ECC for a few months. I never heard from Isaac once during that time, I was a bit upset but I didn’t pay attention to it. It wasn’t until February 12 that I was on Facebook and I got talking with Isaac again via chat that night. We were talking and asked about my boyfriend, I told him I didn’t have one and that I had given up on guys for the moment. We kept talking and talking and then I asked him â€Å"For April Fool’s we should put as our status that we’re going out†. It took him a few minutes to say â€Å"Why not actually make it a reality? †I was shocked! I swear at that moment I had an instant flashback of our childhood all the way through high school. I had waited for so long for that moment that I said yes, it also took me a while to respond back. At that moment he confessed that he had loved me since the end of sophomore year when we said goodbye to each other. I was so happy that everything went the way it did. Unfortunately he was away at school and I wouldn’t see him until our one month anniversary when he came home. I didn’t mind, I did not wait all that time in high school for us to finally be together as a couple and not have the relationship work. We changed our Facebook status that we were officially a couple. It was an explosion of â€Å"It’s about time! †, â€Å"I knew it! †, and â€Å"I told you it would happen eventually! †We didn’t care though because we were just happy that our dream had finally come true. A month passed and it was our one month anniversary. We went out to dinner and had an amazing time together. That same night he took me to his home and I met his entire family. Since then me and his family have gotten along very well and we are practically like family. We definitely enjoyed that week together but he had to go back and I wouldn’t see him until May. My birthday came along and it happened to fall on a Saturday, which was nice because I planned to have a party. Isaac drove all the way home just for my birthday and surprised me. He called me before and said that he had sent a present. Then at around five in the afternoon he called and said that my gift has arrived and I had to open the door, sure enough it was him with a bouquet of flowers. I cried of joy, no one had ever done something like that for me. It was an awesome way to celebrate my birthday. The relationship has been going very well, and I’m positive that it will continue to stay like that. It just comes to show that that myth about how dating your best friend is bad isn’t always true. It can happen to anyone, and yes it doesn’t work out for some people, but in my case it worked out for the better. As I said before, I don’t think we were meant to be best friends, just something more.
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